Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hey ppl. How is your week? I'll bet its been study & revisions. But is it necessary?
I've talked to many friends at school about PMR and they said target A for science, maths and english to get into science stream or flunk and get into arts stream. But PMR is not important. SPM is.

I asked my teachers and their reply was brisk and snappy, just study for your PMR as it will affect your future. I asked my friends again and they said why listen to your teacher, they are only telling you to do what they want you to do. Seems that they were right(my friends).

i've got a pal who's working at a dvd store and he's earning enough to care for himself(he dropped out of school), another one who's earning enough to support a family(he's earning RM4k a month) and they both are not paying full attention to studying. They're working and supporting themselves. i asked them about PMR and their reply was alah PMR only ma... fail then fail loh.

i'm not studying much either, mostly ponteng classes when teacher is not looking at us or is distracted by other students, chatting, vandalising chairs and a bit more. But don't get carried away by what i typed. This is me, not you and the way I'm doing things now is off the charts for studying.

Just do what you think is right and pray to God for guidance and help, then you'll be fine.


1 comment:

Class of 93 said...

Kudos to Jon for thinking out loud. It is always good to ask questions. To succeed in life, one has to ask the right questions. As we grow up, we will find that UPSR, PMR, SPM, STPM, Bachelor Degree, Masters and Permanent Head Damage (PhD) are all part of the education system. The question in my mind is somewhat related to Jon's but under a different light. What are we studying for? Is it to get all A's? Is it to please our parents? Think it over. I assure you, it is worth your time.