Monday, September 1, 2008

First class with a blog!

Heya guys,

It is my pleasure to declare this blog open!
(kudos to Moses for suggesting this excellent idea)

The reason we decided to set up a blog of our own is to keep everyone (the newbies and those who missed class) up to date on what's happening! Because we know there's something awesome happening every week!

This is no reason you should skip class on Sundays cos really the best (juiciest!) stuff always happens during class of course.

More will be added to spice up this new space of ours, we will happily allow those who are interested to update it, and of course, beautify it to be our marvelous Moderators!


  1. There will be no classes this Sunday (7th Sept) so we'll see you guys at the Main Hall for Family Service! The youth worship team will be leading worship this week so please come on time 11am.
  2. Lunch is still on, for those of you who will be joining us please contact either King Wai, Desmond or Michelle to arrange transportation.

Mich. (In case you haven't heard, I'm back.)

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