Saturday, October 18, 2008

Don't curse

By : Hweii Chiee ( Spell it right. :D )

Aren't y'all glad we have been given such a chance to challenge ourselves with this exam?
Well, I guess it does have some of it's benefits lah.
Like, we learn some skills from subjects and discipline ourselves.
And remember, a prayer before each exams always helps. :)

Topic : Cursing

Tonnes of people curse.
Well respected people, Ah Longs, Football fans, Christians and Non-Christians alike.
People curse when they want to show anger or when they are dissatisfied with something.
It doesn't give a good impression, especially if you're a Christian.
Sorta makes people seem not well mannered and .... always seem angry.
I know we can't be perfect, but it's good not to curse.
It's also unnecessary.
It's not like, everytime when someone curses they will get what they want.
So yeah. It just leaves a negative impression.

For example,
This lil' cut from a Christian manga
Serenity :

Click to see larger pic.

Bible verse!!!

"Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
- Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)

Conclusion :
Cursing is like, totally unnecessary. Since it's gonna leave a negative impression, don't curse. No benefits come from doing so too.

I hate hearing curses. @_@

Hweii Chiee

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